八方专栏 - 时政点评
作者:mollyyu2011 来源:龙腾   
2013-10-21 12:01


黑莓CEO Thorstein Heins展示黑莓Q10系统。据报道,中国公司联想正在考虑参与收购黑莓公司的投标。





Cerberus资产管理有限公司和黑莓的联合始创人Mike Lazaridis和Doug Fregin也曾对黑莓的收购表示兴趣。


联想声称收购黑莓这家运营公司将有助于自己羽翼未丰的智能手机建立和拓展全球销售市场。杰弗瑞智库的Peter Misek提到联想非常适合黑莓,并在10月的时候解说到这家中国公司可能对黑莓的手机业务和操作系统很感兴趣。



“因为黑莓更趋向于公司整体出售,所以黑莓可能不会对接受部分业务收购的投标计划,” Misek告诉加拿大广播公司记者。




Watson Smith

Government is one of the biggest users of Blackberry. I'm not sure how much they'll like it if it becomes a Chinese company. Heck, Obama uses a Blackberry.


 1 day ago 13 Likes


@Watson Smith He doesn't anymore

 @Watson Smith 他已经不用了

1 day ago 2 Likes

 Semi Retired

A purchase by a Chinese company would destroy the company by raising serious security concerns on the part of business and government users.


2 days ago 12 Likes

@Semi Retired Yup...the company is already dead. And security concerns ... the WEST is doing it ... everyone is doing it - ask an American or Israeli or UK spymaster. Is the WEST so special that it is ok for the WEST and not the FAR EAST to spy?

@Semi Retired 是啊。。。这公司已经死了。但是关于安全问题。。。西方在做什么。。。每个国家都这么做–去问问美国或以色列或英国的间谍头子。为什么西方就可以如此特殊从事间谍活动,但是远东就不可以?

1 day ago 4 Likes


@Semi Retired Not really. Huawei (a Chinese telecom company) is one of the most successful in the world yet they are constant security concerns about them in the US. The vast majority of countries don't seem to care.

@Semi Retired 不是真的。华为(一个中国通信公司)就是全球最成功的之一,美国永远只关注它的安全问题。但是其它绝大多数国家就不在乎。

1 day ago 3 Likes

Jessica Collins

Lenovo is a good company. It saved IBM's Thinkpad product line, and will save RIM's BlackBerry product line.

Good news for Blackberry lovers.

联想是个好公司,它挽救了IBM Thinkpad的生产线,也即将挽救RIM的黑莓公司的生产线。


1 day ago 10 Likes

Western Canadian

@Jessica Collins, exactly what I was thinking, it almost seems like a natural fit. If there were a potential Canadian company looking to buy them out that would be a preferred option, but Lenovo is already a successful high tech company, that sells competitive hardware in other market segments and have experience going through this kind of acquisition already. It is too bad that foreign companies run so much of our national economy, but it makes no difference to me if they are Chinese, Korean, European etc... This proposal would bode much more well for Blackberry proponents than the Cerberus one.

@Jessica Collins, 层主说出了我的心里话。看上去联想和黑莓天然契合。当然,加拿大的潜在收购者是更优先的选择,但是联想已经是很成功的高科技公司了,而且在市场上销售很优秀的硬件产品,此外联想还对这类收购案很有经验。真是太糟糕了,外国公司对加拿大本土经济掌控如此多,但是对我来说,是中国韩国还是欧洲什么国家来掌控都没有什么区别。。。这项建议对黑莓支持者来说比Cerberus那个更好。

1 day ago 2 Likes


Lenovo wants the security software. Now Lenovo will be able to do more spying!


2 days ago 10 Likes 


@Madchemist Just like the WEST you mean?

@Madchemist 你的意思是就像西方人做的那样??

1 day ago 4 Likes


@Madchemist Like CSIS, NSA, GCHQ, Mossad etc. doesn't. If you think their security is so important now then maybe you, the media, other companies and the government should have been supporting them, not smashing them into the ground 

@Madchemist 就像加拿大安全情报服务中心,国家安全局,国家通信总局,以色列情报和特殊使命局那样,是不。如果你认为他们的安全如此重要,那么你,媒体,其他公司和政府就应该支持他们,而不是把他们弄死。

1 day ago 4 Likes


Chinese get the code.....no more secrets... 


1 day ago 9 Likes


Lenovo makes excellent PC's and I think it would be good fit for Blackberry, but good luck getting this one by Ottawa. The main reason governments still like Blackberries is for their proven security. Those Apple and Android users who know little about BB10, it is a very solid and efficient OS based on QNX and has great potential. A company like Lenovo could take it to the next level.


2 days ago 7 Likes

Western Canadian

@Ultramarine, Can't speak for Lenovo laptops, but Lenovo workstations are rock solid - my local municipal government uses them exclusively for the standard deployment in all departments of the city.

@Ultramarine, 不了解联想的笔记本电脑,但是联想的工作站非常稳定好用 我所在的当地市政府专门用它给全市部门做部署。

1 day ago 4 Likes

Mike Blenkarn

@Ultramarine You obviously do not know much about laptops as Lenovo are some of the best on the market today and have been for a LONG time back to the IBM Thinkpad days, even though they had the IBM name, they have always been made by Lenovo. Maybe the best laptop out there today.

@Ultramarine 你显然对联想笔记本电脑不了解多少。联想电脑是现在市场上最好的之一,而且从IBM Thinkpad开始已经维持很久啦,虽然它们仍旧 用着IBM的名字,但是它们都是联想制造的。也有可能它们就是现在市场上最好的。

1 day ago 3 Likes

Koji Kabuto

I hope Lenovo is unsuccessful. Yes BB is in trouble and could need some bailout, but having the Chinese takeover a once prized gem of Canada which many industries still use, can potentially open us to corporate spying similar to NSA. Please let us not jump the gun and let it be bought outside of Canada.


1 days ago 6 Likes


@Koji Kabuto Toronto is already owned by the Chinese... let them have the company.

@Koji Kabuto 多伦多已经被中国人占领啦。。。就把公司给他们吧。

1 day ago 3 Likes


@Koji Kabuto Americans won't buy it because they already spy on us

@Koji Kabuto 美国人不会买的,因为他们已经在监听我们了

1 day ago 2 Likes


addendum: sure noticed a lot of semi-racist, xenophobic comments here. don't let the harper government's agenda become your own.


1 day ago 6 Likes


I hope the Blackberry people accept this Chinese offer, before its too late. After the latest revelations coming out of the states and the collusion of American Corporations with the American Government surveillance state, I have more trust in the Chinese.




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